Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a fee to register on

It's completely free to create an account with us; we only require that you be over 18 years old as a requirement. Sign up and explore our website! When you're ready to start bidding, simply purchase a bid package and you'll be good to go!

  • How does the $0.01 auction work? 

Each item starts with a bid of just one cent. Every time someone bids, the price increases by $0.01. It's an exciting way to get fantastic deals!

  • Do I need to buy bid packages to participate? 

Yes, you do! Our bid packages come in various sizes to suit everyone's strategy. Think of them as your ticket to the bidding party.

  • What is the referral program and how does it benefit me? 

Invite friends and earn rewards! When your friends sign up and start bidding, you'll earn bonus bids. It's our way of saying "thank you" for spreading the word.

  • Can I access the auction on my phone? 

Absolutely! Our platform is mobile-friendly, so you can bid on the go through our app or website. Never miss a chance to win!

  • What kind of items can I bid on? 

We have a treasure trove of items! From tech gadgets to fashion accessories, there's something for everyone. Keep an eye out for our themed auctions for a little extra fun.

  • Are the items you auction off new?

Yes. All items are brand new; we ship them in their original box if the product manufacturer deems it appropriate.

  • Where do the items come from?

Items come from all over the world; we currently work with a group of retailers, brands, and distributors to source a variety of items at an affordable cost for buyers.

  • How do I know if I've won an auction? 

We'll notify you in real-time, and your winning smile will be showcased on our winners' showcase. Plus, you'll be famous when you create your video testimonial!

  • Why do I need to make a video testimonial if I win? 

Your victory dance deserves an audience! Plus, it helps us keep things transparent and build trust within our community. Show off your win and help inspire others!

  • How do you ensure transaction security? 

Your peace of mind is our priority. We use top-notch security measures to protect all transactions, so you can bid with confidence.

  • What if I experience an issue during bidding? 

Don't worry; we're here to help! Our friendly support team is here to assist you with any hiccups. Just reach out to us, and we'll sort it out.

  • When will my order be shipped?

If you are the winner, the shipment will be made once you have paid the final auction price and provided the shipping address details to MrBidme's team. The shipping duration from there will depend on the item provider, but you will be able to track it from your account under 'My Orders'.

  • How can I provide feedback about my experience?

We love hearing from our bidders! Your feedback is the secret sauce to making our platform even better. Feel free to leave your item review or email us directly. Your opinions could be the next big thing in our updates!

  • Do you have more questions? 

Contact our Customer Support team; we're here to ensure you have the best possible experience with our service!